Kent Industrial

19 Luoin Lane, Kloof

+27 60 722 9426
[email protected]

Core business offering: Industrial process instrumentation products with a focus on improving purchasing selection to ensure you that the right product at the right price, on time in order to keep the client's operation moving forward accurately.

KENT Industrial
(Manufacturer, Sole Agency, System Integrator)
Section - Data Acquisition & Remote Control
-Barcode systems
- Automated
- Handheld
- Printers
-Dotcode systems
-Ethernet-based systems
-In-transit temperature/event
-Logging printers
-Machine health monitoring
-PC based data acquisition
- A-D conversion boards
- automatic data acquisition
- data acquisition cards
- distributed data acquisition
- intranet system
- presentation/analysis software
-Radio frequency tags
- events
- paperless
- videographic
-Standalone data loggers
-CIM/CAM - Computer Integrated/Aided Manufacturing
-Emissions management
-Maintenence management
-MES - Manufacturing Execution Systems
-MIS - Management Information Systems
-MRP - Manufacturing Resource Planning
-Operator training simulators
-Process simulation & design
-Process/capacity planning
-Product data interchange
-Production management systems
-Quality management
-Utility optimisation
-Meteorological instrumentation
- air quality
- blast
- chlorine
- corrosion
- density
- dust
- effluent
- flame
- gas
- moisture
- noise
- opacity
- radiation
- scale build-up
- vibration
- water quality
-Sampling equipment
- gases
- liquids
- solids
-Integration into MES and ERP systems
-Number of I/O points
- 0-1024
- 0-32
- 0-512
- 0-64k
- Unlimited
-Number of PLC or I/O drivers
- >640
- 0-16
- 16-64
- 64-640
-Operating system
- .Net
- Linux
- OS/2 Warp
- Unix
- Windows 2000
- Windows 95/98
- Windows NT
-Standalone version available
-Cable telemetry
- copper wire
- Ethernet LAN
- fibre-optic
-Radio telemetry
-Remote sensing & control
- cable link
- cellular
- from rotating shaft
- infrared (IR)
- radio link
Section - Maintenance, Reliability & Asset Optimisation
- Angular alignment
- Cartesian alignment
- Hardwired point-to-point device calibrator/configurator
- Hardwired point-to-point HART device calibrator/configurator
- Hardwired point-to-point Profibus device calibrator/configurator
- Linear alignment
- Network capable HART device calibrator/configurator
- Network capable Profibus device calibrator/configurator
- Network capable proprietary device calibrator/configurator
- Other
- Wireless HART device calibrator/configurator
- Wireless Profibus device calibrator/configurator
- Wireless proprietary device calibrator/configurator
-In-stream/in situ
- Angular alignment
- Bearing
- General purpose data-logger
- Linear alignment
- Other
- Pneumatic air
- Thermal imaging/thermography
- Vibration/balance
-Sampling/ex situ
- Particle size
- pH
- Spectral analysis (of process fluids)
- Hydraulic fluid analyser/tester
- Instrument power supply
- Insulating oil analyser/tester
- Lubricating oil analyser/tester
- Oscilloscope
- Other
- Ultrasonic tester
- Data-logger
- Electrical motor tester
- Multimeter
- Other
- Thermal imager
- Thermometer
- Vibration/balance
-Condition monitoring
- Remote site condition monitoring
- Legislative
- Calibration
- Hardware repair
- Maintenance
- Planning
- Predictive maintenance
- Site-embedded maintenance
- Testing
- Tribology
- Energy
-Performance monitoring
- Energy
- Installation
- Process/production
-Asset related
- Asset management software for intellectual assets (engineering related)
- Enterprise asset management software (EAM)
- Spares inventory management
-Calibration, configuration & adjustment
- Networkable HART device calibration/configuration
- Networkable Profibus device calibration/configuration
- Networkable proprietary device calibration/configuration
- Point-to-point HART device calibration/configuration
- Point-to-point Profibus device calibration/configuration
- Point-to-point proprietary device calibration/configuration
- Wireless HART device calibration/configuration
- Wireless Profibus device calibration/configuration
- Wireless proprietary device calibration/configuration
-IoT driver & OPC software
Section - Miscellaneous Hardware
-Audible alarms
- Bells
- Horns, sirens
- Programmable voice annunciators
-Compressor anti-surge
-Emergency stop switches
-Gas burner safety control
-Hazardous gas detection
-IS barriers, signal isolation
-Smoke/fire detection
-Surge protection/suppression
- Gas discharge
- Lightning arrestors
- Varistor (MOV)
-Visible alarms
- Annunciator displays
- Indicator lights
- Industrial beacons
- LED for traffic lights
Section - Networks for Communication & Control
-4-20mA analog loop
-DCS Data Highway
-Foundation Fieldbus
-Genius LAN
-Network analysers
- Arcnet
- Beckhoff I/O
- CANbus
- CC-Link
- Conet
- ControlNet
- DCS Data Highway
- DeviceNet
- EIA-485
- Ethernet
- Fieldbus Foundation
- Genius LAN
- IEEE-48
- Interbus-S
- LONWorks
- Melsecnet
- Modbus
- PLC Data Highway
- Profibus
- Profinet
- Proprietary
- RS232/422/485
- Seriplex
- Token ring
- Universal Serial Bus (USB)
- World FIP
-PLC Data Highway
-Remote I/O
-Token ring
-Universal Serial Bus (USB)
-Wireless (for industrial application only)
-Wireless Ethernet port adaptor (aka modem)
-Wireless gateways
-Wireless I/O - analogue
-Wireless I/O - discrete
-Wireless I/O networks
-Wireless multihop range extenders
-Wireless range extenders/repeaters
-Wireless sensor networks
-Wireless serial port adaptor (RS-232/RS-422/RS-485) (aka modem)
Section - Process Control & Manufacturing Technologies
-Emergency shutdown
-Limit switches
-Partial stroke testing devices
-Valve position transmitters
- Valve positioners
-Control valves (applications)
- Cryogenic
- Globe - sanitary
- Hygienic
- Pump protection
- Re-circulating
- Safety release
- Severe service/harsh application valves
- Slurry control
- Steam conditioning
- Steam de-superheaters
-Control valves (type)
- Ball
- Butterfly
-Eccentric plug
-Expanding plug
- double seated
- split-body
- three-way
-Lined valves
-Pinch-type sleeve
-Rotary control valves
-Shut tight valves
-Sliding/knife gate
-Weir-type diaphragm
- Fieldbus
- Proprietary
- RS232
- RS422/RS485
- Adaptive gain
- Auto/self tuning
- Cascade control
- Logic
- Maths/calculations
- Pattern/profile
- Ratio control
- Scaling of I/O
- 0/4-20mA
- mV/V
- Strain gauge
- Thermocouple
-Number of loops
- >16
- 1-16
- 0/4-20 mA
- 0-5V
- mA/mV
- Pulse
- Relay contact
-Panel size (mm)
- 150x150
- 24x48
- 48x48
- 48x96
- 72x72
- 96x96
-Visual display
-Emergency shut-down systems
-Entry level DCS
-Networked controllers
-PACs - Programmable Automation Controllers
-Flowmeters (application)
- Batching
- Partially filled pipes/channels
-Flowmeters (type)
- Clamp-on, non-invasive
- Coriolis
- Custody transfer
- Differential pressure (DP)
- Doppler ultrasonic
- Magnetic/electromagnetic
- Mass
- Open channel, flume, weir
- Orifice plate, flow nozzle
- Pelton wheel
- Pitot tube
- Positive displacement
- Solids
- Target
- Thermal dispersion/calorific
- Turbine
- Variable area
- Venturi tube
- V-notch
- Vortex
- Wedge
-Pipeline monitors
-Potable water meters
-Totalisers and correlators
-Explosion proof
-Fire detection & extinguishing equipment
-Gas detection
-Intrinsic safety
- 3.5 & 4.5 digit indicators
- 4-20 mA set-point stations
- Batch controllers
- Flashing beacons
- Isolating interface units
- Multiplexers
- Sensors
- Shunt diode safety barriers
- Solenoid valves
- Sounders
- Totalisers
- Transmitters - flow
- Transmitters - level
- Transmitters - pressure
- Transmitters - temperature
- Valve positioners
-Type 'n' protection
-Hoses & fittings
-Manifold systems
-Oil coolers
-Servo valves
-Analytics & reporting
-Artificial intelligence
-Asset/calibration management
-Big data & cloud technologies
-Industrial IT & networking
-Interoperability HW/SW
-M2M communication
-Smart sensors
-Specialist consulting services
-System simulation
-Wireless network/service providers
-Boiler sight glasses
-Capacitive & conductive
-Microwave, guided & radar
-Optical, laser
-Rotary paddle
-Tank gauging
-Thermistor / thermal
-Tilt switch
-Vibrating fork
-Automatic dispensing systems
-Belt scales
-Check weighers
-Drum filling
-Impact plate
-Weigh bridges
-Alarm indicators
-Analog panel meters
-Annunciator panels
-Digital panel meters
-Digital process indicators
- Bar graphs
- Characters
- Display wall (control room)
- LCD, flat-panel
- Programmable message
- Touchscreens
-Handheld terminals
- Custom
- Desktop
- Flat-panel
- Rackmount
- Sealed
- Harsh-environment
- Key-switch
- Membrane
- Outdoor (weather-proof)
-Portable servers
-Analog I/O
- 1-16
- 17-64
- 65-256
- 257-512
- more than 512
-Digital I/O
- 1-16
- 17-64
- 65-256
- 257-512
- more than 512
-Networking organisation
- Host-to-PLC link
- PLC-to-PLC
- Remote I/O
- 20 mA loop
- Ethernet
- Fieldbus
- PLC-to-PLC
- Proprietary data bus
- Remote I/O
- RS232, RS422, RS485
-Operator interface panel
-PACs - Programmable Automation Controllers
- Diagnostic software
- Documenting software
- Function block diagram
- High level (C, Basic, etc.)
- IEC 1131
- Ladder diagram (relay logic)
- Logic diagram
- Sequential function chart
-Scan rate less than 1µs per step
-Scan rate less than 1ms per step
-Scan rate more than 1ms per step
- Linear
- Rotary
-Air dryers
-Controllers/logic devices
- Double acting
- Positioners
- Rodless
- Single acting
-Pneumatic conveying systems
-Pressure/vacuum switches
-Tubes & fittings
- Check
- Flow
- Gauge
- Isolation
- Manifolds
- Pressure
- Servo
-Computer interfaces
-Control transducers
- Displacement/position transducers
- Tacho generators
- Tilt transducers
- Torque
-Programmable motion control systems
- Custom system design
-Rotary encoders
-Differential pressure transducers
-Instrument manifolds
-Pressure gauges/indicators
-Pressure switches
-Pressure-electrical transducers
- Pilot operated pressure reducing
- Rupture disk
- Self-acting back pressure
- Self-acting pressure reducing
-Colour mark
-Edge detection
-Hot metal
-Limit switch
-Machine guard
-Interface in solids/liquids
-Light intensity
-Metal detectors
-Strain gauges
-Amplifiers & pre-amplifiers
- A-D
- D-A
- I-P, P-I
- mV/current
- Power (VAR, F, kWh, etc.)
- Programmable
-Root extractors
-Heat flow monitors
-Infrared (IR) line scan
-IR non-contact
-IR thermal imaging
-Panel-mount indicators
-Pyrometers (IR non-contact)
-Pyrometric cones
-RTDs (Pt 100, Ni)
-Temperature indicating paints/labels
-Temperature switches
-Thermistors (PTC, NTC)
-Thermocouple extension cables
-Thermocouple reference units
-Thermocouples (Type S, T, etc)
- Batch
- Handheld tally
- Mechanical
- Panel mount
- Rail mount
- Analog
- Digital
- Panel mount
- Rail mount
-Control signal
-Differential pressure
-Electrical power
-Universal, programmable
Section - Services & Systems
- Industrial lighting
- Panel builders
- Process control
- System wiring/installation
-System integration/consulting
-Batch production
-Boiler/furnace control
-Building management
-Compressed air
-Energy management
-Environmental control & monitoring
-Extrusion control
-Food & beverage
-Furnace control & management
-Gas, infrared heating systems
-HVAC control
-Induction heating systems
-Kiln control
-Mining & metals
-Power generation & distribution
-Pulp & paper
-Water & waste water
Section - Test, Measurement & Calibration
- Ash content
- Basis weight, consistency
- Boiler feed water
- Carbon concentration
- Chlorine
- Colorimetric
- Combustion
- Density
- Dissolved oxygen
- Distillation
- Flotation froth
- Flue gas
- Gas
- Gas chromatograph
- Gaseous contaminants
- Hydrocarbon
- Liquid chromatograph
- On-line process
- Oxygen
- Particles
- Single element
- Suspended solids
- Viscosity
-Chambers (environmental/temperature)
-Petroleum testing
-pH handheld
-Redox measurement
-Reference materials
-Sampling equipment
- Gases
- Liquids
- Solids
-Spectrometers (UV, IR, etc.)
-Turbidity meters
-0/4-20 mA loop simulators/calibrators
-Calibration services (SANAS accredited, etc.)
-Deadweight testers
-Decade boxes, R/I/C
-Documenting process calibrators
-Flow calibrators
-Frequency, time simulators/calibrators
-Loop optimisation analysers & software
-mV simulators/calibrators
-Power, energy calibrators
-Pressure simulators/calibrators
-Reference materials (certified)
-RF reflectometers
-RTD simulators/calibrators
-Strain gauge simulators/calibrators
-Temperature (dry block)
-Temperature baths
-Thermistor simulators
-Thermocouple simulators
-Dust level
-Leak detection
-Moisture content
-Noise/sound level
-Oil in water
-Optical/Visual (incl. fibre-based camera scopes)
-Particle size
-Temperature profiling
-Thermal imaging
-Vibration/machine health
- Non-contact/ultrasonic
- Physical contact
Industry news:
Biofilm monitoring system
February 2025, Analytical Instrumentation & Environmental Monitoring, Instek Control

Alvim, through Instek Controls, provides innovative, high-tech solutions for biofilm and biofouling monitoring in industrial plants.

Data has a massive carbon footprint
February 2025, IT in Manufacturing

The exponential growth of data has led to significant business challenges and environmental concerns for organisations to address. Data sprawl and redundancy increase storage requirements, consuming vast amounts of resources and energy.

Analogue input module
February 2025, Fieldbus & Industrial Networking, Vepac Electronics

The D6400 analogue input module from Vepac contains seven differential inputs for measuring DC voltages, current signals such as 4-20 mA and thermocouple temperature sensors.

Improving mining efficiency with wireless telemetry
February 2025, Industrial Computer Hardware, Omniflex Remote Monitoring Specialists

Wireless telemetry systems are a critical tool in the mining industry as they facilitate automation, data collection, communication and remote monitoring and control in challenging environments. Ian Loudon, international marketing manager at wireless telemetry specialist, Omniflex explains how wireless telemetry systems can automate water pump monitoring and control in the mining sector.

Inspection system for leak detection in valves in hazardous areas
February 2025, Valves, Actuators & Pump Control, Extech Safety Systems

Leaking valves in industrial plants not only lead to loss, safety risks and possible contamination and pollution, but also result in high economic costs. Therefore, valves in hazardous areas require regular proper inspection and preventive maintenance to ensure their functionality.

Three financing trends driving clean energy in the Global South
February 2025, Electrical Power & Protection, Schneider Electric South Africa

The Global South is at a critical juncture in its energy transition, grappling with challenges that demand immediate action. To finance its energy targets, the World Economic Forum’s Network to Mobilise Clean Energy Investment in emerging markets and developing economies has developed a playbook of over 100 financing mechanisms and de-risking tools that have successfully helped narrow the clean energy financing gap in emerging and developing economies.

Siemens to empower startups with cutting-edge technology
February 2025, IT in Manufacturing, Siemens South Africa

Siemens has launched Siemens for Startups, a new program to empower early-stage engineering and manufacturing startups.

Harnessing industrial AI agents for reliable automation
February 2025, IT in Manufacturing, Editor's Choice

The excitement around generative AI (GenAI) has been undeniable, promising wide-ranging changes across industries. However, for those of us in the world of industrial control and automation, the realities of implementing these powerful technologies are a little more nuanced.

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